where to drink coffee in hamburg
specialty coffee shops

Best Hamburg coffee

Hamburg is famous for its canals and to be dubbed “Venice of the North”. But perhaps not everyone knows that this city has a very ancient connection with the coffee.

The first coffee shops opened in Hamburg in 1677 and in the nineteenth century it became the largest coffee market in the world thanks to its port. In 1887 It was opened bag of coffee values ​​and most recently a square was dedicated “Coffee Plaza”.

Elbgold Röstkaffee Among the best Hamburg coffee is present Elbgold. This café was founded in 2004 in Hamburg and in the city there are several outlets. The mission of Elbgold It is to establish a strong partnership with coffee farmers to ensure the same price as a fair reward for the quality provided. The coffee is roasted at the headquarters of Schanzenviertel (Lagerstraße 34C 20357 Hamburg) where there is a Probat roaster years 30. Every roasted coffee Elbgold It follows different roasting profiles to enhance the aroma of each source. Among the coffee that you can find to taste: Honduras, India, Costa Rica and Ethiopia. You can taste these coffee espresso or with French Press, Aeropress, V60, Chemex of Kalita.

Lagerstraße 34C, 20357 Hamburg – Tel +49 40 23517520

Best Hamburg coffee - where to drink coffee in Hamburg
Elbgold Röstkaffee

Törnqvist Probably one of the best cafes we visited Hamburg. The owner is a true guru Linus Köster coffee. He and his team will explain the origin of all coffee, the aromatic profile and the best extraction method to taste it. The restaurant's design is minimal and clearly inspired by Scandinavian, The predominant colors are white and black. Minimal is also on the menu since the choice is quite limited: flat white, hand brew o shot. The coffee roasters used come from northern Europe as: Coffee Collective, Tim Wendelboe.

Neuer Pferdemarkt 12, 20359 Hamburg – +49 1511 4004010

Best Hamburg coffee - where to drink coffee in Hamburg

Stockholm Espresso Club Despite the name of this coffee shop it is located in Stockholm but in a residential neighborhood in Hamburg Winterhude. If you want to relax in a room by the Swedish atmosphere this is the place for you. In addition to coffee, guests can sample their bagels, cakes and craft beers. The coffee served comes directly from Sweden, more precisely from the roasting Booth.

Peter-Marquard Street 8, 22303 Hamburg – Tel. +49 40 22660505

the best Hamburg coffee - Where to drink coffee in Hamburg
Stockholm Espresso Club

Public Coffee Roasters For us it is one of the best cafes in Hamburg. Founders Public Coffee are Argin and Arameh, two brothers originally from Tehran. Their passion for coffee takes them to collaborate with various artisan roasters in Germany before founding his own located on the Elbe River to Entenwerder. In roasting toasting four days a week, while Friday is dedicated to cupping to check the quality of roasted coffee. The roasting method chosen by Public Coffee It is not only to clear, that best meets the tastes of northern European customers. But even it practiced the average color roasting more suited to Italian tastes of customers. You can taste excellent espresso coffee in the blend or single origin coffee filter as: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, Huila Colombia or Panama Elida. In Hamburg, there are three sales points of this café was born in 2013. Each of them has a different style: Wexstraße-Neustadt is small and cozy, Goldbekplatz-Winterhude has been designed with a hipster style and you can work with your laptop, Finally Brandstwiete-Downtown is more marked for business.

Wexstraße 28, 20355 Hamburg

Best Hamburg coffee - where to drink coffee in Hamburg
Public Coffee Roasters

Courtship and courtship Cris and Kathrin Balz are two brothers with a passion for good coffee and hospitality. In their coffee shop you can taste the coffee from different micro German roasters and cakes prepared with love by Kathrin same. Upgrade to find them, their place is very welcoming and make you feel at home.

Lehmweg 6, 20251 Hamburg – Tel. +49 40 60438833

balz un balz
Courtship and courtship

north Coast Among the best Hamburg coffee definitely falls north Coast. Like other places that we visited, They are also a micro roaster. In the coffee shop makes a fine show if a roaster from Giesen 6 Kg skillfully controlled by Jörn Gorzolla. Despite being a local in Third Wave style, customers of north Coast It is more diverse than the other local. In fact they are not only served coffee specialty. You can also sample the traditional coffee as their espresso blend that also contains the robusta coffee. The mono served originally come from Ethiopia, Guatemala, Colombia, Kenya e Ruanda.

Deichstraße 9, 20459 Hamburg – Tel. +49 40 36093499

north coast hamburg
Nord Coast Coffee Roastery

Speicherstadt roasting This roasting with adjoining coffee shop has been declared a UNESCO heritage site in 2015. The restaurant is located in the Speicherstadt in a warehouse which in the past served as a coffee warehouse. The restaurant also serves as a museum and visitors can learn a lot of information about the many varieties of coffee. Eight times a day you can watch the roasting process and you can also book for the tasting sessions. There are four blends for espresso, while coffee for the filter are a dozen and are changed throughout the year according to the cycles of nature.

Kehrwieder 5, 20457 Hamburg – Tel. +49 40 5379985

Speicherstadt Hamburg
Speicherstadt coffee roasting

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